What you’ve been waiting for

Yeah yeah, wedding pictures, honeymoon stuff, hum de do de dum. What y’all really want to know about is ORLANDO. Right? Right. So here you go!

We left Georgetown around 2 pm on July 18th. The day after we got back from our honeymoon. My wonderful parents had already loaded up the u-haul trailer, so there wasn’t much left to pack. As you will see, the trailer is about the size of my car, which we were using to tow it. I figured if we could get it up our steep driveway, we shouldn’t have any problems the rest of the trip. Miss Rev made it up the hill, and we were on our way! We hauled on over to Baton Rouge, getting in around 11:45 pm. Kevin and Becca were waiting for us and we spent the night at their place before heading on the next morning to Florida!

Kevin and Becca let us crash at their apt

Entering Florida from the Western-most point is kind of like getting into Texas from anywhere. You think, oh yay! Texas! We are almost there! But no, you’ve still got 10 hours to go. We pulled into Pensacola and I’m thinking, yay! Florida! We’re almost there! Nope. Still got 7 1/2 hours to go till Orlando. Too bad we weren’t driving Chitty chitty bang bang, we could have taken a short cut across the Gulf.

Sunset as we were leaving Gainesville

But we made it and pulled the trailer safely out of the way into our front “yard.” The house we are renting is on a cute little court with a pretty landscaped island in the middle. Because of this, there is no street parking. All the homes have two driveways in front to serve as parking, and if you have any visitors they have to park on the main street that our court is off of. Not a big deal, but it is when you have to figure out where to park a 12 ft long trailer. So this is what we did!

Our new home!

Coming soon – the unpacking begins! Well, for most of us…

This animal is no help at all.


View from our balcony!

For our honeymoon we went to Secrets Maroma Beach. It is an all-inclusive, couples only resort 30 miles south of Cancun, near Playa del Carmen. While we were there, we learned that Maroma beach is rated one of the top 10 beaches in the world. I believe it. It was b-e-a-utiful. The sand was so white and soft, the water warm and turquoise blue. Just the highlights of the trip: Chitzen Itza, amazing Swedish massages, shopping in Playa del Carmen, kayaking out to the reef, and unlimited drinks! And the most wonderful part, doing everything with Stephen! Check out pictures here.

Wedding pictures are up!

Wedding pics are up! Go to posimage.net, click on the Sessions tab, sign in with usrnm: WrightMessman, pswd: 10445. If you want to order any, call the photographer directly, don’t do it online (unless you want to pay about 30% in service fees.)

This pretty much sums up the night. It was an awesome party!